Mistress Vulnerability
Showing vulnerability will always be viewed as a strength in my mind, and this applies to all areas of life, including the Domme space. Submissives offer up such a raw and beautiful gift of vulnerability when committing to service and sub space, to offer the same wholeness in return is elemental to creating a balance and exchange.
Cultivating a deep connection with a submissive is very much aligned to the creation of a new relationship and it is important, with this in mind, to keep an awareness around this and the potentially impacting behaviours and emotions that may arise.
As taking the role and exploration of submission in BDSM is, unfortunately, still so often shrouded in shame and/or fear of exposure or judgement from those outside of the kink community, the equally unfortunate "ghosting" phenomenon of the romantic dating world can also rear it's head in the Domme world. Along with other forms of more undesirable endings to d/s relationship. The emotional repercussions of this can manifest in similar ways to that of the romantic relationship world.
To create a deeply connected and intimate space to really support, hold and intensify the sub space experience requires a certain level of energetic, emotional and spiritual imput. Once this exchange is entered the the element of these areas being effected by the evolution and outcome of this relationship inevitably arises.
I am not attempting here to propose a way to stop or protect this inevitability, as for me, cultivating genuine, deep connections with my submissives is paramount to mine and their experience. When I enter this sacred space with my submissives, I aim to give a full and genuine energetic, spiritual and emotional offering, and I would not change this for the world as this is what makes the space so powerful.
What I am highlighting, is the need to keep an awareness around it, to check in with the emotions and feelings that arise at the "ending" of a d/s relationship/dynamic. Not to dismiss them in a cold realm of projecting or protecting a "power" and "strength" but instead to recognise, allow and flow through the emotions that arise. To accept that is is okay to feel the varied emotions connected to any ending, such as and not inclusive of; rejection, hurt pride, bruised confidence, sadness and loss. That it is possible be powerful and vulnerable simultaneously, and that actually the two are inextricably intwined.
I believe that a lot of my power as a Domme lays in my genuine love and connection to the world, commitment to the space I am creating, open and honest communication and my devotion to the care and respect of my submissives. Within this explanation, vulnerability is an essential part.
Yes I am powerful, confident, dominant and in control, it is my vulnerability and honesty that provides a beautiful and strong foundation for this power. I am not afraid to expose my vulnerability out of fear of appearing "weak". Vulnerability is for me, the ultimate sign of strength, and I am strong as fuck!